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schwarzer Hintergrund

Show Pony

     Do you know what happens to female acrobats when they hit middle age? Neither do still hungry, but they’re going to use every trick they have to try and figure it out.

Show Pony is the new autobiographical piece by Berlin-based company still hungry, in collaboration with groundbreaking performance artist Bryony Kimmings.

Part circus show, part training session, part open-heart surgery, Show Pony is an open hearted look at a life onstage and the gut wrenching moment when that stage no longer wants you. Past, present and imagined futures intersect in a myriad of moments as the three women try to decide about how to keep going, or even if they should.

Packed full of love, laughter and lunacy Show Pony is another joyful scream into the face of the patriarchy by still hungry that challenges us to question our societal prejudices towards age and femininity, onstage and off.

Duration: 60 minutes
Age Recommendation: 12+


Lena Ries, Anke van Engelshoven,

Romy Seibt

Created by: still hungry and Bryony Kimmings

Original Music and Sound Design: Tom Parkinson

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR

Co-Produced by Anke Politz

"A mixture of relentlessly candid biographical stories and circus tricks… The show is an almost therapeutic examination of the problems that older women have to contend with in the entertainment industry"

Arte Journal



"The three performers daringly embarked on a biographical way of working that is familiar from post-dramatic performance… With Show Pony, the Chamäleon’s goal of distancing the circus from the environment of conventional, commercial entertainment succeeds."




"Raven, a play about having children and being a mother, was created in 2019 – just as self-critical and socially critical as Show Pony, which is now even more unabashedly autobiographical. A must-see!"

Berliner Morgenpost

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